Fight for your right to paaarty

25 Aug

Party times-a-coming!

So Oxford Hub is moving, and we’re moving real soon. This will bring with it a number of exciting things: a sustainable cafe, a library full of socially-aware books, and wondrous events to campaign, fundraise and generally make the world better through the energy and muscle of student changemakers.

But, obviously, the most exciting of these exciting things is our upcoming house party! Everyone knows that when you move house, you have to house-warm. And this party is going to be Oxford’s biggest, bestest house warming party EVER! Probably.

Sit tight for the deets:

*It’s set for 12th October (which for students is Wednesday of 1st Week).

*There will be fun things going on all day, but the party stuff will get going in the evening.

*There will be music, drinks, dancing, comedy, and a big ol’ townhouse to explore and get to know…

But what this party is lacking right now is you with YOUR ideas: who do you want to see? who should we invite? what music do you like? what drinks?

So far, we love the idea of house ale, chilled local musicians and student bands and we’ve tweet-invited (twinvited?) our favourite Ox alum (probably of all time) Josie Long to come and do some funny-ing.

Suggestions by postcard, tweet, facebook post, comment (below) or carrier pigeon….


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